Espresso is a user interface testing kit that allows Android developers to simulate user interactions with their application and verify the results of those interactions. This kit helps ensure your app's very basic regression testing functions without bothering a QA team. However, there is a much greater potential of running into flaky tests when writing integration or user interface tests.  Flaky tests pass or fail inconsistently. Flaky tests exist because the test design contains something not accounted for. It isn’t always...

Phase 2 starting working with Pioneer Library System (PLS) to create an extremely user-friendly and functional solution for a dilemma the library industry sees across the nation: offering remote services in one central application. This issue is especially prevalent in areas still growing in tech innovation, like Oklahoma. Through our process and great partnership with PLS, the solution has become so successful through user adoption as well as receiving The Journal Record's 2016 Innovator of the Year Award. The PLS Connect...