The New Economic Engine Software has revolutionized the global economy, becoming the most efficiently produced and distributed product in history. It launched an unprecedented economic engine, forcing every company to become a software enabled company—whether they like it or not. Now, AI is about to pour rocket fuel on the fire. Forget "What can AI do for my organization?" If you're asking this question, you're missing the point entirely. We're not talking about a new suite of tools or an interesting tech trend. We're...

Introduction AI’s impact has been and will continue to be vast. In the second article of this series (part one here), I’ll focus on the economic aspect of AI's coming impact and save the ethical, geopolitical, and social impact for another time. The original Henry Ford Moment We are experiencing a Henry Ford Moment. Let me dig into that statement. Our entire economic structure today — globalization, access to cheap products, American superpower, economic abundance, and consistent capital growth are all built on the...

Technologists have been creating innovative ways to offload intelligence into machines, however minor it may have been, since at least the Bronze Age. Until recently, no matter the complexity, traditional information technology (IT) machines have only been as intelligent as their programming. But new artificial intelligence models are different, and they’ve launched us into an economic revolution like we’ve never seen before and may not be expecting. There are three primary reasons why: It’s easier than ever before to access the labor...